Vienna’s Eng­lish Theat­re: The Visit

Nowa­days, as time seems to fly and peo­p­le tend to rush from one place to the other, it is obvious that peo­p­le do not often rethink their actions. Nevert­hel­ess they some­ti­mes actual­ly think of the impact their deeds have on other peo­p­le. To be on the safe side ever­yo­ne wat­ches their own back. This is one of the main state­ments Phil­ip Dart demons­tra­tes with his play “The Visit“.

The stu­dents from tenth to twelfth gra­de had the plea­su­re to see the breath­ta­king, English-speaking play “The Visit“ staged by Vienna’s Eng­lish Theat­re on the 24th of Decem­ber 2017. The play was writ­ten by Phil­ip Dart in 2015 and is based on the clas­sic play “An Inspec­tor Calls“, writ­ten by J. B. Priestly in 1945. In both plays an inspec­tor con­ducts an unan­noun­ced audit with the atten­de­es. While “An Inspec­tor Calls“ is set in 1912, “The Visit“ takes place today. Phil­ip Dart trans­fer­red the clas­sic play and adapt­ed it to com­mon cir­cum­s­tances of teen­agers nowa­days, so the mes­sa­ge of the play is accessa­ble for them.

The plot: Three stu­dents from Uni­ver­si­ty, Abby, Jez and Lewis, share a flat. Despi­te class distinc­tions they all get along very well. At one point they start play­ing a drin­king game after a par­ty in their flat, when all of a sud­den the door rings and a stran­ger arri­ves. It turns out to be a detec­ti­ve, Tee­na Whit­som, who has to ask the stu­dents some ques­ti­ons about a girl, or rather: a girl that com­mit­ted sui­ci­de on cam­pus that night. The inspector’s only request is to inter­ro­ga­te each stu­dent as an indi­vi­du­um. At last, it beco­mes obvious that Abby, Jez and Lewis rela­te to the vic­tim and actual­ly play a part in the sui­ci­de. They final­ly beco­me awa­re of the influence their actions have on other peo­p­le and the rami­fi­ca­ti­ons that can fol­low, whe­ther they bul­lied the girl, sold her drugs or forced her into an abor­ti­on. Inde­ed after Whit­som has left, the stu­dents rea­li­ze how odd the ques­tio­ning has been and calls the poli­ce sta­ti­on for more detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on about the inspec­tor. Sho­ckin­gly, detec­ti­ve Tee­na Whit­som does not exist. Abby, Jez and Lewis feel reli­e­ved and esti­ma­te that it just has been a hoax by other stu­dents. But cer­tain­ly Jez‘ pho­ne rings and one of his fri­ends informs him about a sui­ci­de on campus.

The open end of the sto­ry encou­ra­ges the stu­dents to recon­sider dif­fe­rent aspects of the plot and they may even think about an end them­sel­ves. The per­for­mance was stun­ning and has cer­tain­ly touch­ed the audi­ence. After­wards the actres­ses and actors were open to ans­wer ques­ti­ons so the­re was a short dis­cus­sion about an fea­si­ble ending and after­wards the stu­dents were brief­ly intro­du­ced to the life of an actor, such as for exam­p­le the living con­di­ti­ons while visi­ting mul­ti­ple schools per­for­man­ces in Aus­tria and Germany.

All in all, the Bodensee-Gymnasium stu­dents enjoy­ed Vienna’s Eng­lish Theat­re quite a lot and app­re­cia­ted the refres­hing and hip performance.


Tes­sa Fieg­le, Q12

Thank You!